Eatalian Express: Little Nuur – Baby Porridge



  • RM2.00 OFF Baby Food
  • RM3.00 Off. Buy RM100 on Baby Food
  • RM1.00 Off. Buy RM50 on Baby Food
  • RM5 Off. Buy RM150 Baby Food Category.

Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge

Busy mothers always have issues preparing healthy and delicious food for their babies. Check out this complete ready-to-eat Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge.

There is no cooking or reheating required to enjoy this meal Just do these 3 simple steps:-

  1. Shake
  2. Tear
  3. Pour

Suggested approx 2-3 servings per box.

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Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge DAGING KUZI

Daging Kuzi | 100g | 8M+


Little Nuur, complete meal ready to eat, The Khazanah One, Daging Kuzi.

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Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge AYAM PERCIK

Ayam Percik | 100g | 8M+


Little Nuur, complete meal ready to eat, The Khazanah One, Ayam Percik.

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Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge IKAN SINGGANG

Ikan Singgang | 100g | 8M+




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Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge BEEF BULGOGI

Beef Bulgogi | 100g | 8M+


Little Nuur, complete meal ready to eat, The Oriental One, Beef Bulgogi.

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Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge CHICKEN KUNG PO

Chicken Kung Po | 100g | 8M+


Little Nuur, complete meal ready to eat, The Oriental One, Chicken Kung Pao.

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Eatalian Express Little Nuur Baby Porridge JAPANESE FISH MUSHI

Japanese Fish Mushi | 100g | 8M+


Little Nuur, complete meal ready to eat, The Oriental One, Japanese Fish Mushi.




Daging Kuzi, Beef Bulgogi, Ikan Singgang, Ayam Percik, Kung Po Chicken, Japanese Fish Mushi


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